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Discount Parameters


I want from my product a specific discount like a linear function, how to do it?

Custom field

Discount parameter custom field

Custom script

export function onBeforeCalculate(quoteModel, quoteLineModels, conn) {
    return applyDiscountParameter(quoteModel, quoteLineModels, conn);

function applyDiscountParameter(_quoteModel, quoteLineModels, conn) {
    let promises = [];

    if (quoteLineModels.length > 0) {
        quoteLineModels.forEach(function (l) {
            if (l.record["SBQQ__Product__c"]) {
                let ProductId = l.record["SBQQ__Product__c"];
                let queryPromise = conn.query("SELECT   Id, Parameter1__c,Parameter2__c FROM DiscountParameter__c where Product__c =   '" + ProductId + "'")
                    .then(function (results) {
                        if (results.totalSize > 1) {
                            console.error("more   than one discount parameter for this product")
                        } else if (results.totalSize === 1) {
                            // Apply   discount if there is exactly one discount parameter
                            let discountParams = results.records[0];
                            l.record["SBQQ__AdditionalDiscountAmount__c"] = discountParams.Parameter1__c * l.record["SBQQ__ListPrice__c"] - discountParams.Parameter2__c;

    return Promise.all(promises);


If you want another function or add other parameters, you can add in the custom script what you need

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