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Revision price



I want to make a price revision on a pricebook, how to do it ?

Custom field you need


/* This class   is used to implement logic to update price line items to update list price   for given price book to revised price.
 * This is a schedulable class creats   schedule job for updating price based on start date set while adding revision   entry.
global class   RevisionPriceUpdate implements Schedulable {
    global Id pbId;
    global Decimal rPrice;

    global RevisionPriceUpdate(){
        String priceBookName = 'Standard   Price Book'; // Replace with the actual name of your Price Book

                        // Query to retrieve   the Price Book ID based on the Price Book Name
                        List<Pricebook2>   priceBooks = [SELECT Id FROM Pricebook2 WHERE Name = :priceBookName LIMIT 1];

                        if   (!priceBooks.isEmpty()) {
                        pbId   = priceBooks[0].Id;
                        System.debug('Price   Book ID: ' + pbId);
                        } else {
                        System.debug('Price   Book not found with the specified name: ' + priceBookName);
        rPrice = 1.5;

    global void execute(SchedulableContext   sc){
        System.debug('Schedulable revision   update start');
        RevisionPriceUpdateBatch batch = new   RevisionPriceUpdateBatch(pbId, rPrice);
        Id batchId =   Database.executeBatch(batch, 200);
        System.debug('Schedulable revision   update end');
    // Method to schedule the job
    global static void scheduleJob() {
        RevisionPriceUpdate scheduledJob =   new RevisionPriceUpdate();
        // Cron Expression: '0 0 0 1 1 ? *'
                        // - '0 0 0' specifies   midnight
                        // - '1' in the   "day of the month" field specifies the first day of the month
                        // - '1' in the   "month" field specifies January
                        // - '?' is used to   represent no specific day of the week
                        //String cronExp = '0   0 0 1 1 ? *';

        // Schedule the job to run on the   first day of every month at midnight
        // Cron Expression: '0 0 0 1 * ?'
        // - '0 0 0' specifies midnight
        // - '1' in the "day of the   month" field specifies the first day of the month
        // - '*' in the "month"   field means every month
        // - '?' is used to indicate no   specific day of the week
        String cronExp = '0 0 0 1 * ?';
        // Cron Expression: '0 0 0 ? * 2'
                        // - '0 0 0' specifies   midnight
                        // - '?' is used to   represent any day of the month since we are specifying the day of the week   separately
                        // - '*' in the   "month" field means every month
                        // - '2' in the   "day of the week" field means Monday
        //String cronExp = '0 0 0 ? * 2';

                        // Cron Expression: '0   0 0 * * ?'
                        // - '0 0 0' specifies   midnight
                        // - '*' in the   "day of the month" field means every day of the month
                        // - '*' in the   "month" field means every month
                        // - '?' is used to   indicate no specific day of the week
                        //String cronExp = '0   0 0 * * ?';

        // Cron Expression: '0 0 0 1 1/3 ? *'
                        // - '0 0 0' specifies   midnight
                        // - '1' in the   "day of the month" field specifies the first day of the month
                        // - '1/3' in the   "month" field means every 3 months, starting from January
                        // - '?' is used to   represent no specific day of the week
                        //String cronExp = '0   0 0 1 1/3 ? *';
         System.schedule('RevisionPriceUpdateJob', cronExp, scheduledJob);

/* This class   is used to implement logic to update price line items to update list price   for given price book to revised price.
 * This is a schedulable class creats   schedule job for updating price based on start date set while adding revision   entry.
global class   RevisionPriceUpdateBatch implements Database.Batchable<SObject> {

    global Id pbId;
    global Decimal rPrice;

    global RevisionPriceUpdateBatch(String   pricebookId, Decimal revPrice) {
        this.pbId = pricebookId;
        this.rPrice = revPrice;

    public Database.QueryLocator   start(Database.BatchableContext bc) {
        System.debug('Batchable revision   update start');
        String query = 'SELECT Id, UnitPrice,   ' +
                'PreviousUnitPrice__c ' +
                'FROM PricebookEntry WHERE   Pricebook2.Id = :pbId';
        return   Database.getQueryLocator(query);

    public void   execute(Database.BatchableContext bc, List<PricebookEntry> scope) {
        System.debug('Batchable revision   execution start');
        List<PricebookEntry> pbeupdated   = new List<PricebookEntry>();
        for (PricebookEntry p : scope) {
            if (p.UnitPrice != null)
                p.PreviousUnitPrice__c =   p.UnitPrice;
            if (p.PreviousUnitPrice__c !=   null)
                p.UnitPrice =   p.PreviousUnitPrice__c * rPrice ;
        if (pbeupdated.size() > 0)
            update pbeupdated;

    public void   finish(Database.BatchableContext bc) {
        System.debug('Batchable revision   execution finish');


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